Lucas Cohen

NFT Experiments

To get a more experiential understanding of the NFT space (aside from just browsing Twitter) I decided to create a couple of my own.

To reference John Vervaeke's work, I had a good sense of propositional knowledge (the language used in the space) but not yet procedural (how to create my own) or perspectival (what it feels like to create my own) knowledge.

So I messed around in Keynote and created two images, which I then minted on OpenSea as NFTs.

After designing the images, the minting process was surprisingly easy to do. It felt like uploading an image to any other platform on the web, except I had to connect my Metamask wallet first.

I was expecting a cool whiz-bang technical process to happen, and see the blockchain in action, but... nope! I just clicked the mint button, gave it a title and there it was.

Here are the two NFTs I created.

One was minted via Polygon (free to move around) and the other via Ethereum (free to mint one copy, but costs gas to move around).

Shaded Squares Layered Circles

If you click them, you'll see the Opensea listing pop up.

I'm sure in 5-10 years from now this process will become so normal that a blog post about it would be silly.

It might not be Opensea, Polygon, or even Ethereum that's used, but it seems NFTs are trending towards playing a significant role in how people interact online in the future.

- Jan. 23, 2022